jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

My first steps with Voki ...I know I am not the most gorgeous guy on earth so I've decided to create a "different" character and I'm sure my students will have such a great time when they have a look at it.
Happy Thanksgiving??? I would never have expected such an interesting discussion with my 2 ESO students about the significance of Thanksgiving Day for the relationship between Native Americans and the Pilgrim Fathers who first arrived in the New World on the Mayflower. It is rather a day for the Indians to reclaim their role as "authentic" Americans and recover their dignity. I came across an interesting power point presentation which explained clearly the origins of this festival and how it's celebrated. It was great help for my students to reflect on their reading skills Descarga el archivo It was exciting to see my students' interest and curiosity to keep asking questions and discussing with each other about the Indians' destiny nowadays. After taking them out of their homes and territories and isolating them in reservations, who was actually the good and the bad? It was really good food for thought!

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Now that Thanksgiving is so close, it is time to consider all the Festivals that take place around October and November, here you are an amusing activity. An AMERICAN HOLIDAY BINGO! After introducing the different American holidays, students complete the bingo cards with nine American Holidays on their own. Then the teacher starts defining the different hoildays and students cross out those they have on their card. Here you are a list and definition of the holidays celebrated in the USA: Descarga el archivo Bingo Cards Descarga el archivo

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015

The Hidden Sentence Do you want to improve your creativity and fluency when speaking in English? The Hidden Sentence is a game which I have always found really interesting and amusing as well. It is an activity which works well, especially wih elementary or lower-intermediate groups, since they can get more autonomy and, what's more, feel more comfortable and lose their fears to speak. You only have to speak for two minutes, about whichever topic you want, on condition you include the sentence you've been provided. Yhe rest of the goup will have to guess what the hidden sentence is, so...BE SMART! The teacher's role here is basically to let students speak up and correct anything once they've given their "speech"

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martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015


Listening are sometimes a constant flow of gap-fills and this can sometimes be boring.
However, there are quite a lot of different activities that can help to be more focused on paying atttention to details rather than just a word.
I have used this "sweet" video in my English class and students found it interesting and enjoyable.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


Let's start the week with a song!
Lemon tree is a well-known song for practising not just the structure of the Present Continuous but also other aspectslike feelings.
The video attached works well for describing pictures, so it is very useful if you want to talk about what's going on in every frame of the video clip.

Here you are the worksheet to work with the song:

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domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2015

After a night with creepy creatures around the streets, tricks and treats, it is time to check out something about Halloween...
We all know that Halloween consists basically in disguising as the creepiest creatures and going around the neighbourhood asking for trick or treat but...
I bet you didn't...